Spanking Horses (Spanking Benches) generally seem to follow one train of thought in design...take a saw horse and pad it. While that's great for Dungeons, ProDommes and others with plenty of space and disposable income, some people prefer something smaller, easily stored, and considerably cheaper. Some of my designs achieve those requirements, plus can double for other "intimate acts" often done in the bedroom. :)
The benches in the sample photos, cost me roughly $30 to build. Similar ones sold online will usually be $150 and more, so doing it yourself saves a substantial amount of money and can be done in just a few short hours. Basic tools and a sewing machine are all that are required (you may prefer to cover it without sewing). The instructions cover materials needed, dimensions, sizes, basic assembly, padding and upholstery in easy to follow step by step explanation. Plus I have multiple shapes, angles and sizes to choose from to suit various body types and preferances. :)